Every Cure to Leverage Atropos Health’s GENEVA OS and Atropos Evidence Network to Advance the Discovery and Development of Therapies for Underserved Populations. Read the full Press Release

PALO ALTO, Ca. – January 8, 2024Atropos Health, the pioneer in translating real-world clinical data into personalized real-world evidence and insights, today announced a partnership with Every Cure, a nonprofit initiative on a mission to unlock the full potential of existing medicines to treat every disease and every patient they possibly can so that patients don’t suffer while cures hide on the pharmacy shelf. The collaboration allows Every Cure to leverage GENEVA OS™ and data from the Atropos Evidence™ Network to confirm and enhance findings from their AI driven data platform in the real world. By doing this, it offers key real world signals and generation of AI model features to emulate the effect of therapies in real world populations. This rapid, high quality evidence generation dramatically accelerates the potential of yielding new uses for existing drugs and can accelerate clinical development by providing a real-world signal of patient response.

New Partnership Enables Real World Data Confirmation of Drug Repurposing Opportunities and Trial Emulation Capabilities to Speed Clinical Development

The collaboration, which began in 2023, has pioneered a Real World Data driven approach to uncovering new uses for existing drugs called “Biology-in-Data Out”, and “Data-in-Biology Out”. This approach allows Every Cure to take a signal about the potential of a certain drug to be repurposed for a new indication coming from their AI platform, and leverage GENEVA OS and the Atropos Evidence Network to confirm that signal in real world patients.

One of the many emerging use cases associated with GENEVA OS technology, this approach was recently highlighted in a Cell Publication produced by Dr. Dylan Dodd at Stanford University.

This announcement comes on the heels of Atropos Health launching Geneva OS™(Generative Evidence Acceleration Operating System) and ChatRWD™ (Real World Data) application, the first Generative AI application incorporating direct Chat-to-Database capability, to help healthcare and life science leaders advance and accelerate evidence generation. In expanding Atropos’ life sciences leadership, the company also recently announced the formation of its Life Sciences Advisory Board consisting of executives from the world’s preeminent pharmaceutical companies including Moderna, Novartis, and more.

Partners like Every Cure will receive access to the Atropos portfolio of evidence generation tools through federated installation of Geneva OS in their internal cloud data environment. In addition to the Green Button Informatics Consult, Geneva OS customers can access Alexandria™, a collection of  tens of thousands of existing studies, including active clinical trial designs. The existing studies in Alexandria can be rerun on local data, generating novel content and evidence for customer use. Geneva OS  also includes the CRAFT (Clinical Research Acceleration for Trials) Emulation Toolkit™ which allows users to improve trial recruitment and emulate a given trial design in real-world data. This allows not only for feasibility assessments, but also scalar subgroup analysis to identify subpopulations’ potential performance in a given study design. CRAFT Emulation Toolkit turns a single study design into thousands of sub-analyses that can be used as inputs to AI-based trial simulations, to influence diversity in trial recruitment, or to identify subpopulations who may respond best to a given therapy. CRAFT Emulation Toolkit enables this evidence generation with the same speed-to-insight users have come to expect from Atropos Health.

About Atropos Health

Atropos Health is the developer of Geneva OS™ , the operating system for rapid healthcare evidence across a robust network of real-world data. Healthcare and life science organizations work with Atropos Health to close evidence gaps from bench to bedside, improving individual patient outcomes with data-driven care, expediting research that advances the field of medicine, and more. We aim to transform healthcare with timely, relevant real-world evidence.

To learn more about Atropos Health, connect through LinkedIn or follow on X (Twitter) @AtroposHealth.

About Every Cure

Every Cure is a nonprofit organization dedicated to unlocking the full potential of every existing medicine to treat every disease possible. Repurposing existing drugs is the fastest and most efficient way to treat diseases with the greatest return on investment for saving lives. However, systemic barriers impede repurposing, so patients suffer while potential treatments are not fully utilized. Every Cure overcomes these barriers to systematically identify and advance promising repurposing opportunities and save lives. Every Cure is taking a revolutionary and disruptive approach to overcome these systemic barriers by developing a comprehensive, open-source data engine to generate predictive efficacy scores for all 3,000 drugs against all 20,000 diseases and rapidly advance treatments to patients. In partnership with academia, industry, and government, Every Cure is integrating proprietary and public data into a comprehensive dataset, optimizing AI ranking algorithms, validating the most promising drug-disease matches, performing trials, and ensuring patient access to effective therapies.

For more information, please visit EveryCure.org or connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.