We provide answers with novel RWE in under 48 hours
Use the Green Button™ for Q&A-style evidence generation. Best for clinical and business stakeholders.
Publication-grade evidence for every clinical question.
Submit a question. Atropos does the rest. Receive a novel retrospective observational study in 48 hours. Learn and ask again.
It’s really that easy.
24×7 Access
1:1 Meetings with Atropos Health Clinicians
<48 Hours to Publication-
grade Observational Research Report
Output Formats
Prognostograms, cohort counts in RWD, clinical phenotypes, data visualizations, and more
Runs on your RWD or the Atropos Evidence™ Network
See How Easy It Is To Use
Our Results in Numbers
Success rate in publishing studies in peer-reviewed journals. Over 50 publications including Cell, NEJM Catalyst and more.
Clinical questions converted into studies run on behalf of our clients. Publication grade observational studies can be re-run on your own data to make policy changes or practice precision medicine.
Saved by our clients in expedited analytics, maximized RWD assets, medication cost savings, patient throughput and care management programs.
Using the Green Button™ Informatics Consult Service
Green Button™ Demo
The clinical informatics consult service thousands of clinicians and researchers use, and love. Get on-demand evidence in 48 hours simply by asking a question. Every study is clinician-QC’d.
Typical Use Cases/Examples
What are outcomes and subsequent therapies for melanoma patients who received adjuvant PD1 inhibitors?
In all cholesteatoma patients (regardless of congenital or acquired) what are the incidences of risk factors, procedures, and complications?
How many patients coming for major surgery at my hospital had a preop ICD10 code related to depression?
For patients with Parkinson's disease that require pharmacotherapy, how do clinical endpoints vary per classes of FDA-approved therapy?
What is the unmet need in multiple myeloma?
Do patients with multiple sclerosis admitted to the hospital have longer length of stays if they receive typical versus atypical antipsychotic medications?
Ask a clinical question
Get a RWD study in response within hours.